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BLCustomerStatus.exe - Background process

Background Job: BLCustomerStatus.exe



BLCustomerStatus.exe is a background application which determines the status and type of an account. When the application runs in full feature mode the application will check the status and type of the accounts with use of the contracts. This is done in two runs.

In the first run all the Prospects, Not Validated and Associate accounts are checked for a contract. When they have a contract the account is set to the Type Customer. The status the account will get depends on the following:

  •  is the contract still active: is the final date still in the future?
  • does the contract contain a service item, that is active?

When the contract has no service item but still is active the account will recieve the status 'Passive'. When the contract final date is in the past, the account will receive the status 'Inactive'.

After the first run, the second run will check all accounts of the type 'Customer' for their contracts. The customer accounts will get a status in the same way as described above. Please note that status 'Pilot', 'Reference' and 'Blocked' are handled the same as status active. This mean that a customer can only be 'Reference' or 'Pilot' or 'Blocked' when it has a active contract with a service item in it. If this is not the case the status will be set to either 'Passive' or 'Exit'. Please note that the two runs described above will only be executed when the application is started in full feature mode.


Next to the type and status determined by the contracts, the application handles 'Prospects', 'Not Validated' and 'Associate' Accounts, by looking for possible sales forecast requests linked to these accounts.

  • Not Validated and Associate Accounts with a sales forecast request are set to prospect active
  • Prospects without a sales forecast request are set to the type Not Validated
  • Exit Prospects with an open or approved forecast are set to active


More information about setting up this background job can be found in this document: e-Synergy and the background applications.


Also the background job updates the overviews of pageviews for documents and applications. This overview can be found in [System > Reports > Page Views].


Technical Information


The following tables are involved when running BLCustomerStatus.exe:

  • cicmpy (Accounts)
  • Items (Items)
  • ItemNumbers (Contracts) 
  • BacoSettings (Last Run date)
  • RequestTypes (Requesttypes)
  • Requests (Requests)


Also the parameter /M: was introduced to be able to run the background job more than once a day. When the /M:1 is passed, the contract checks wil be done. If the option /M:1 is off, only the prospect, not validated, and accociate checks will be done. Below you find an example of how this parameter can be passed:


  • C:\Synergy\bin\BLCustomerStatus.exe /S:VORS31266-1 /D:DeltaBike /M:1


Settings e-Synergy


For BLCustomerStatus.exe to run correctly some settings in e-Synergy need to be changed. Via [CRM > Maintenance > Other > Settings] e-Synergy has te be set up to allow BLCustomerStatus.exe to check the accounts. In the following screenshot e-Synergy is set up correctly.




In the screen you can select whether BLCustomerStatus.exe must check for sales forecasts linked to prospects. It's also possible to link other types of requests in this screen. Then BLCustomerStatus.exe will check of the prospects have a request of that type linked to them. When the job doesn't find a request op set type linked to the prospect, the status and type of the prospect will be changed to not validated. This can be changed by linking a request of the correct type to the not validated customer. After running the job the type of the account will be changed back to prospect and the status will be active.


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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Online help main
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 00.810.575
 Assortment:  Date: 19-05-2018
 Release:  Attachment: